
Showing posts from November 2, 2018

Family court

For other uses, see Family court (disambiguation). Family court is a court of Equity convened to decide matters and make orders in relation to family law, such as custody of children. In common-law jurisdictions "family courts" are statutory creations primarily dealing with equitable matters devolved from a court of inherent jurisdiction, such as a superior court. Family courts were first established in the United States in 1910, when they were called domestic relations courts although the idea itself is much older. [1] Family courts hear all cases that relate to familial and domestic relationships. Although each state has a different system utilized to address family law cases, each state strives to provide families with the best possible outcome in family law cases. Family courts can also issue decisions regarding divorce cases. [1] Contents 1 In the United States 2 In England and Wales 3 In Hong Kong 4 See also 5 References In the Unite


忠州 ,可以指: 忠州 (唐朝),唐朝时设置的州,在今重庆市忠县 忠州直隸州,清朝直隶州 忠州 (廣南西路),北宋时设置的州,在今广西壮族自治区境 其它 忠州市,大韩民国城市 这是一个消歧义页,羅列了有相同或相近的标题,但內容不同的条目。 如果您是通过某條目的内部链接而转到本页,希望您能協助修正该處的内部链接,將它指向正确的条目。 This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here


竹山县 是中国湖北省十堰市所辖的一个县。总面积为3590平方公里,2004年人口为44万人。三國時代,竹山被称为 上庸 ,也是漢末(接近三國)時期將領申耽和申儀兄弟的籍貫,在《三國演義》中是廖化求援被拒的地方。 县政府位于城关镇。 地理 竹山县年平均降水量824.9毫米,年平均气温15.6°。 汉江最大支流堵河位于该县境内。 行政区划 竹山县辖9个镇、8个乡:城关镇、溢水镇、麻家渡镇、宝丰镇、擂鼓镇、秦古镇、得胜镇、田家坝镇、官渡镇、潘口乡、竹坪乡、大庙乡、双台乡、楼台乡、文峰乡、深河乡、柳林乡。 外部链接 十堰市竹山县政府网站 竹山县概况地图 规范控制 WorldCat Identities NDL: 00641089 VIAF: 255881465    竹山县 是一个與湖北相關的小作品。你可以通过 编辑或修订 扩充其内容。 查 论 编 竹山县行政区划 行政隶属:中华人民共和国湖北省十堰市 镇 城关镇 溢水镇 麻家渡镇 宝丰镇 擂鼓镇 秦古镇 得胜镇 田家坝镇 官渡镇 乡 潘口乡 竹坪乡 大庙乡 双台乡 楼台乡 文峰乡 深河乡 柳林乡 堵河源乡 参见:湖北省乡级以上行政区列表 查 论 编 湖北省行政区划 国别:中华人民共和国  省会:武汉市 地级行政区 103县级行政区(39市辖区、25县级市、36县、2自治县、1林区) 副省级市 武汉市 江岸区 · 江汉区 · 硚口区 · 汉阳区 · 武昌区 · 青山区 · 洪山区 · 东西湖区 · 汉南区 · 蔡甸区 · 江夏区 · 黄陂区 · 新洲区 地级市 黄石市 黄石港区 · 西塞山区 · 下陆区 · 铁山区 · 大冶市 · 阳新县 十堰市 茅箭区 · 张湾区 · 郧阳区 · 丹江口市 · 郧西县 · 竹山县 · 竹溪县 · 房县 宜昌市 西陵区 · 伍家岗区 · 点军区 · 猇亭区 · 夷陵区 · 宜都市 · 当阳市 · 枝江市 · 远安县 · 兴山县 · 秭归县 ·

Court show

For broader genres, see legal drama and reality legal programming. A court show (also known as a judge show , legal/courtroom program , courtroom show , or judicial show ) is a television programming subgenre of either legal dramas or reality legal programming. Court shows present content mainly in the form of legal hearings between plaintiffs (or claimants in the United Kingdom) and defendants presided over by a pseudo-judge. At present, these shows typically portray small claims court cases, produced in a simulation of a small claims courtroom inside of a television studio. The genre began in radio broadcasting in the 1930s and moved to television in the late 1940s, beginning with such TV shows as Court of Current Issues , Your Witness , Famous Jury Trials , etc. [1] Widely used techniques in court shows have been dramatizations and arbitration-based reality shows. The genre began with dramatizations and remained the technique of choice for roughly six decades. By the late 19