
Showing posts from November 6, 2018

Fighting Gravity (band)

Fighting Gravity Origin Richmond, Virginia, Virginia, United States Genres Ska, Pop, Rock Years active 1985–2009 Labels BOB Records, Mercury Records, Q Records Fighting Gravity was a music group based out of Richmond, Virginia. Originally a ska band called Boy O Boy, Fighting Gravity has incorporated a variety of music into their style, including reggae, rock, and pop. Fighting Gravity was formed while its original members were attending Virginia Tech. [1] Originally, the band consisted of guitarist David "Tree" Triano, bassist/vocalist David Peterson, keyboardist Eric Lawson, trumpeter Jim Pennington, trombonist Chris Leitch, and drummer Mike Boyd. In 1995, Pennington departed and was replaced by saxophonist Karl von Klein. In 1996, Chris Leitch departed and was replaced by trombonist/percussionist John Utley. In 1997, Karl von Klein departed, replaced by saxophonist Mike Ghegan. In 1999, Ghegan departed, replaced by trombonist/turntablist Stefa...


生理學 ( 英语: physiology / ˌ f ɪ z i ˈ ɒ l ə dʒ i / ; 來自古希臘語 φύσις (physis) ,意即:“nature, origin”,和 -λογία (-logia) ,意即:“study of” [1] ) 是生物學的一門子領域,研究生物體及其各組成部分,在活體系統中化學或物理的功能活動。 生理学一般被分为植物生理学和动物生理学,但生理学的基本原理是对地球上所有的生物来说一致的。比如许多研究酵母的细胞的生理学结果也可以运用在人的细胞中。 动物生理学包括人类生理学和其他动物的生理学,植物生理学也从这个分支的许多成果获益。 从生理学中分出来的新的学科有生物化学、生物物理学和生物力学。医药学从生理学的成果也收益很大。 歷史 生理學的研究可以追溯到古印度文明 [2] [3] ,埃及有解剖研究但沒有活體解剖。 [4] 人體生理學作為醫療領域的研究可以追溯到至少公元前420的時間的希波克拉底,被稱為醫學之父。 [5] 古希臘的亞里士多德開始將重點放在結構和功能之間的關係,直到蓋倫(Galen, c. 126–199 AD)第一位使用實驗來探測人體的功能。蓋倫是實驗生理學的奠基人。 [6] Jean Fernel(1497 - 1558),法國醫師,引入physiology一詞。 [7] 在19世紀,生理知識開始積累比較快,特別是Matthias Schleiden和Theodor Schwann在1838年發表的細胞理論,指出生物體是由單位細胞組成。Claude Bernard(1813–1878)進一步發現內部環境的概念, 在20世紀,生物學家也感興趣於,除了人類之外的生物功能,最後產生比較生理學和生態生理學等領域。 [8] 在這些領域的重要人物,包括Knut Schmidt-Nielsen和George Bartholomew。最近,進化生理學已成為一個明顯的分支學科。 [9] 參考文獻 ^ physiology. Online Etymology Dictionary.   ^ D. P. Burma and Maharani Chakravorty. From Physiology and Chemistry to Biochemistr...

Neil Sabatino

Neil Sabatino Background information Genres Indie rock alternative rock punk rock Occupation(s) Singer songwriter musician Instruments Vocals guitar Years active 1998–present Labels Eyeball Records Reinforcement Records Renfield Records Go For Broke Records Mint 400 Records Associated acts Pencey Prep Fairmont Mergers & Acquisitions LadybiRdS Shallows Neil Sabatino is an American musician. He is lead singer of Fairmont and the founder of Mint 400 Records. [1] [2] [3] He was also the lead guitarist for Pencey Prep. [4] [5] Contents 1 Early work 2 Fairmont 2.1 Other work 3 Mint 400 Records 4 Discography 4.1 Pencey Prep 4.2 Fairmont 4.3 Other work 4.4 Producer 5 References 5.1 Citations 5.2 Online sources 6 External links Early work In the late nineties Sabatino played in the punk band Stick Figure Suicide. By 2000 he joined as lead guitarist for Pe...


土地 可以指: 土壤 地皮 陸地 领土 土地公 土地 (韓國電視劇):金賢珠主演的韓國首爾廣播公司(SBS)2004年電視劇。 LAND:日本二人组合柚子的第11张原创专辑。 这是一个消歧义页,羅列了有相同或相近的标题,但內容不同的条目。 如果您是通过某條目的内部链接而转到本页,希望您能協助修正该處的内部链接,將它指向正确的条目。 This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

New Jersey

This article is about the U.S. state of New Jersey. For other uses, see New Jersey (disambiguation). "NJ" redirects here. For other uses, see NJ (disambiguation). State of New Jersey Flag Seal Nickname(s): The Garden State [1] Motto(s): Liberty and prosperity Official language None Spoken languages English (only) 69.4% Spanish 15.9% Indic 2.7% Chinese 1.5% Korean 1.1% French 0.97% Tagalog 0.94% Portuguese 0.91% Italian 0.83% Arabic 0.76% Polish 0.72% Russian 0.57% [2] Demonym New Jerseyan (official), [3] New Jerseyite [4] [5] Capital Trenton Largest city Newark Largest metro Greater New York Area Ranked 47th  • Total 8,722.58 sq mi (22,591.38 km 2 )  • Width 70 miles (112 km)  • Length 170 miles (273 km)  • % water 15.7  • Latitude 38° 56′ N to 41° 21′ N  • Longitude 73° 54′ W to 75° 34′ W Population Ranked 11th  • Total 9,032,872 (2018 est.) [6]  • Densit...
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