Fleet vehicle

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

This page refers to a collection of vehicles (typically automobiles) with a single owner. For other uses of the word fleet, see Fleet.

A delivery truck that is part of the United Parcel Service fleet

Fleet vehicles are groups of motor vehicles owned or leased by a business, government agency or other organization rather than by an individual or family. Typical examples are vehicles operated by car rental companies, taxicab companies, public utilities, public bus companies, and police departments. In addition, many businesses purchase or lease fleet vehicles to deliver goods to customers, or for sales representatives to travel to clients.
In some jurisdictions and countries, fleet vehicle also means vehicles that are privately owned by employees, or on novated leases, but are used for work purposes; this is called the 'grey fleet'.[1]

Fleet vehicles can be managed by a fleet manager or transport manager using fleet management software. Vehicles may be connected to a fleet telematics system by way of a Fleet Management System or FMS.

Federal vehicle fleet

In the United States, Federal Vehicle fleets refers to the federal government's vehicles.

Fleet leasing in the UK is very much the same as in the USA; business van leasing is popular among the construction industry as a valuable asset. Fleet leasing is popular with much larger businesses with the ability to get great deals and discounts on multi leasing vehicles.

See also

  • Carsharing

  • Fleet card

  • Fleet management software

  • Fleet Management System

  • Fleet Special

  • Take-home vehicle

  • Vehicle remarketing


Media related to Fleet vehicles at Wikimedia Commons

  1. ^ What is the grey fleet

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